Lucerne Seed Crop Management
Alpha Group Consulting is positioned as the premier lucerne seed management business in Australia. Covering the significant portion of lucerne seed production fields in Australia, the Alpha Group offers a service which combines the experience of over three decades of combined seed production experience.
The management service involves the monitoring of the lucerne seed crops 1-2 times per week for what is looming to be the next potential problem. Whether it be insect pests, weeds, irrigation management, nutrition, crop timing or general advice the Alpha group is well positioned to service your needs.

The Alpha Group covers a very broad area of lucerne agronomy servcing the upper and lower south east of South Australia as well as western Victoria.
Knowing or predicting the upcoming problems is a large part of the advantage the Alpha Group Consulting can offer. By having such a large network of growers throughout the district, consistent monitoring can provide the indications required to predict what pest populations are going to do. It would take individual growers enormous amounts of time to preempt these same trends by only watching their own fields.